NY8A051H will enter Halt mode by executing instruction SLEEP or writing 01b to register bits OPMD[1:0]. After entering Halt mode, register bit /PD (STATUS[3]) will be clear to 0, register bit /TO (STATUS[4]) will be set to 1 and WDT will be clear but keep running.
At Halt mode, all of peripheral modules are disabled, instruction execution is stop and NY8A051H can only wake-up by some specific events. Therefore, Halt mode is the most power saving mode provided by NY8A051H.
Instruction execution is stop and all peripheral modules are disabled.
FHOSC and FLOSC are both disabled automatically.
IC can wake-up from Halt mode if any of (a) WDT timeout interrupt, (b) PB input change interrupt or (c) INT or external interrupt is happened.
After wake-up from Halt mode, IC will return to Normal mode if SELHOSC=1, IC will return to Slow mode if SELHOSC=0.
Note: you can change STPHOSC and enter Halt mode in the same instruction.
