High ESD over ±8KV.
High over ±4KV with Noise Filter Enable. (Operating voltage @5V)
1K x 14 bits EPROM.
96 bytes SRAM.
16 general purpose I/O pins (GPIO), PA[7:0], PB[7:0], with independent direction control.
11 Ver. 1.6 2020/05/31
PA[5, 3:0] and PB[3:0] have features of Pull-Low resistor for input pin.
PA[7:6, 4:0] and PB[7:0] have features of Pull-High resistor, the value of Pull-High resistor can be 100kΩ or 1MΩ.
PB[7:0] have features of Open-Drain output.
PA[5] have feature of input or open-drain output.
I/O ports output current mode can be constant sink, normal sink or large sink.
8-level hardware Stack.
Direct and indirect addressing modes for data access.
One 8-bit up-count timer (Timer0) with programmable prescaler.
Two 8-bit reload or continuous down-count timers (Timer1, 2), these 2 timers can be consisted to be a 16-bit timer.
Two 8-bit resolution PWM (PWM1, 2) output.
Two buzzer (BZ1, 2) output.
Selectable 38/57KHz IR carrier frequency and high
